data privacy | framework agreements| safety concepts| legal department | training centre | monitored and certified |registered trademarks

Safety is
more important than anything else


All employees can make their contribution to safety in a company. Increasing automation, digitalisation, the rising demand for unrestricted delivery reliability and acceptable prices to us as a company are decisive factors that make it necessary to review existing security approaches. We have done this - because the well-being of our employees and the future of our company is close to our heart.

Our safety concept

In particular, we are confronted in our everyday work with the points of product safety, operational safety and occupational safety in special machine construction. If the corresponding measures are not implemented and controlled in a company, this can lead to major problems. Therefore we have developed a safety concept to minimize sources of error and risks.

Product safety


work safety


company safety


Registered trademarks

All our trademarks have been protected and are entered in the register of the German Patent and Trademark Office.

Help line

The employees of our help line are available to our customers for technical problems at any time by telephone.

Monitored and certified

The monitoring of our production processes and the certification of our plants ensures that our quality standards are secured and maintained.

General terms and conditions

Our general terms and conditions of business ensure fair business relations with our customers. They protect both sides in case of complications.

Data protection concept

Data protection is naturally treated with the greatest care. We guarantee the absolute security of the data of our customers and suppliers.

Legal department

Data protection is naturally treated with the greatest care. We guarantee the absolute security of the data of our customers and suppliers.

Code of ethics

Open communication, mutual respect and collegiality, assuming mutual responsibility for each other and for our work, sustainable environmental management as well as observing and complying with legal rules and regulations are essential and self-evident for us.

Training centre

We have been registered as a training company since 2014 and have been successfully training industrial clerks and specialists for metal technology ever since.

Made in Germany

All our products are manufactured directly by us in Germany. The purchase of additional material is largely carried out within Germany.

„Basically, we all bear the responsibility for the success of our company.“

Britta Ulmer

Questions about security?

The members of our Safety Team will be happy to answer your questions.


Moving on to the next step together.

Want to learn more?

We would be pleased to explain you personally our product range.

Ideas or suggestions?

Your feedback is important to us.

Ready to become a certified partner?

Our brands inspire customers all over the world.

MUCCE HelpLine: +49 (0) 7152 9261 5-55
