Scope of application


From the development of prototypes or small production lines, to our products, which among other things, are used for the fluid measurement of inks and lacquers.

Printing industry

Our worldwide customers rely on our products for viscosity/fluid measurements, consumption measurements and dispensing systems to improve the reliability and quality of their production.

Chemical industry

Our products are used, for example, to determine the density in the ink production.

Metal Industry

We manufacture prototypes as well as small series. We are well positioned due to our highly equipped machinery.

Mechanical Engineering

Your idea is our project. We plan and design it according to your concept and put it into practice. Due to our know-how and immediately available resources you get everything from a single source.

Software Industry

You cannot find a suitable solution? You can benefit from our experience. More than 50% of our daily activity consists of developing customized and tailor-maid solutions to match our customers' needs.

Our history

"Our goal was always to put new ideas and innovations into practice. So in 1992 I started to adapt the printing presses or peripheral equipment, available on the market, in order to fulfill the customer's demands. The basic idea was to automate and standardize procedures before, during and after the production process. Due to the high demand and the ever increasing number of orders, the company Bernd Bloss Drucktechnik was transformed into Drucktechnik Bloss GmbH in 1997. By changing the company's name to GmbH, the production facilities were also expanded and the company developed its own products and hardware. For more than 20 years now, we have been manufacturing systems and products according to our customers' requirements. Due to our large experience in the specialized mechanical engineering sector we were able to expand our application areas. Today we manufacture systems and products which are also used in the automotive sector or in the chemical industry. In 2019, the MUCCE Group GmbH was founded in order to expand the application range of our systems and to establish our own products as brands."

Founder | Senior Manager
MUCCE Management

Our vision

Our vision is to face up to the constantly growing challenges posed by increasing digitalisation. Our products are continuously being developed with the highest precision and care, to keep providing our customers with the most innovative and modern solutions. We also work each day to improve environmental and climate protection by making our production increasingly climate-neutral and by optimizing our customers' CO2 balance with the ongoing development of our custom machines.

Process automation


Product development


Process scanning


Our brands. Our world

Our product range includes innovative solutions in the specialized mechanical engineering sector. For many years, our customers have been relying on our brand products and appreciate their certified and outstanding quality.


Corona pandemic

We are always here for you! The corona virus is currently presenting us all with major challenges.

Now it is time to show solidarity, to stick together and to contribute to the virus' containment with the opportunities that are presented to us.

Our team is always available for our business partners in all technical and commercial questions!

New product range

Establishing your foundations with the new BLOSS.INDUSTRIES "Ground" line - Our new Ground series set the basis for all ink management systems.

Easy, simple and cost effective. Let your BLOSS.INDUSTRIES Sales Partner advise you.

New viscosity control sensor

LYSANDE SLA22 - The new Lysande viscosity regulator measures accurately and is therefore a good investment - ask your Lysande Sales Partner for more information.

Our services

The MUCCE Group offers you a wide service range.
These go from the construction of your prototype up to a 24h support line for your systems.







Our responsibility

We'll support you. This is not just a task for today or tomorrow, but a task for the future.

Unsere Ziele

Our goals

Our goals are to inspire our customers on a daily basis, to motivate our co-workers and help them to succeed, to improve social and economic conditions around the world and to ensure greater sustainability.

Unsere Produktion

Our production

At MUCCE, we are committed, with our ongoing developments, to improving our corporate standards concerning the working atmosphere, production and environmental policy. We develop solutions that are safer, more reliable and more efficient than ever before.


Environmental concept

The preservation of our natural resources and respect for the environment has become an extremely important factor for the future of our economy.



MUCCE relies on its regional partners to protect the environment and, of course, to ensure a safe flow of materials.
On the other hand, the production process as well as the storage capacity is optimized through short transport distances.


Find out what our customers say about our services and products.

Ingenious products

We rely on MUCCE Group products. We also count on MUCCE Service.

Mondi | International

For 20 years

The quality is excellent, the viscosity is very accurately maintained. The system durability is also very good, our oldest system is 20 years old.


Customer Support

Brooklyn | Creative Multi-Purpose Theme

I purchased this theme and let me say I’m really glad I did! The design is great, the theme is flexible and I’m having excellent customer support.


Brooklyn Customer


Moving on to the next step together.

Want to learn more?

We would be pleased to explain you personally our product range.

Ideas or suggestions?

Your feedback is important to us.

Ready to become a certified partner?

Our brands inspire customers all over the world.

MUCCE HelpLine: +49 (0) 7152 9261 5-55
